Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% of water. But that doesn’t mean we need to drink 60% of our body weight in water every day. Most experts recommend living by the 8×8 rule : eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day. That comes to about 2 liters, or half a gallon – plenty of H2O to do the trick. Keep in mind that the 8×8 rule is a general guideline. As with most health initiatives, it’s important to remember that we’re all unique, so your mileage may vary.
This question seems like a no-bainer. After all, we all know that drinking water is important. However, few of us really understand why. Water is the elixir of life and a key to better health due to its ability to positively impact multiple areas of our physiology. Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll get just by staying hydrated.
Energy Levels: Try skimping on your daily water intake and notice what happens to your energy levels. They’ll drop. Even mild dehydration results in a noticeable difference in exercise performance.
Brain Function: Staying hydrated isn’t just a smart decision. It may actually make you smarter. Water is essential to delivering nutrients to the brain. And when you drink plenty of it, there’s a better exchange between nutrients and toxins, so you have more concentration and mental alertness.
Metabolism: The calorie-burning process requires water to work. Drinking water helps boost your metabolism , cleanse your body of waste , and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.
Skin: Your skin isn’t just an organ. It’s the biggest organ you’ve got. That means it comes with a lot of processing power going on. From the appearance of fewer wrinkles to supporting healthy skin, replenishing the water you lose every day can help your skin. Keep in mind that when you’re dehydrated, your body retains the water it has, and this can lead to skin puffiness – something else a few glasses of water can help with.
Bowels: Staying hydrated is important for your digestion because water keeps the food you eat moving through your intestines. It also helps keep your intestines smooth and flexible. Conversely, when you’re chronically dehydrated, your large intestines soak of all the water they can. This results in occasional constipation. While drinking a lot of water won’t cure constipation, it helps make stool softer and promotes better gut health.
Kidneys: Next time you’re reaching for a sparkling, sugary beverage, reach for water instead. Your kidneys will thank you. Water helps your kidneys remove waste from your blood. It also helps keep your blood working like they should, so your kidneys receive the nutrients they need. Evidence shows that staying hydrated can help maintain the overall health of your kidneys and keeps them functioning properly – and you definitely don’t want one of those. Trust us.
Staying hydrated might sound simple. But in practice, it can be difficult – especially with how busy the day can get. If you’re looking for some motivation, here are six actionable tips to help you drink more water and stay hydrated.
The first step to increasing your water intake is to make it available to you at all times. The easiest way to do this—carry a water bottle wherever you go. If you don’t have a bag that you carry around, just make sure that you have a bottle in the places you spend the most time each day.
There are lots of delicious ways to add more water to your diet without actually drinking more water. If you’re struggling to get enough, try adding some water-based foods into your meals. Chop up a couple stalks of celery and add some pieces into your salad, or place a few slices of cucumber onto your sandwich.
Not only should you be drinking water throughout the day, but it must become a habit if you are to see the positive effects from staying hydrated. In other words, you shouldn’t just “try to remember” to drink water, but you should naturally reach for your water instead of those sugary drinks. One way to make the taste of water more exciting is to infuse it. With an infuser bottle like one of these
or even these
, you can try infusing mint, vanilla beans, berries, fennel, or any other combination you’d like.
One sure fire way to drink more water throughout the day is to mark up your water bottle with time goals. The Institute of Medicine says men should be drinking
about 3 liters of water each day, and women should drink about 2.2 liters. In order to make this happen, grab some tape and use it to indicate your water drinking goals directly on your bottle.
Still struggling to consume that much water in a day? Head over to the store and buy some colorful straws
for your water bottle. You’ll probably drink the water a little easier, and you can switch out the colors to match your mood that day.’
You can track your water intake with a number of great iPhone and Android apps. All you have to do is log your consumption throughout the day, and these apps can help you stay on track with your goals. There’s Water Drink Reminder
, Hydro Drink Water
, and others in the Apple or Google Play stores.
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